elias n nader


finance • business • leadership


Elias (エリアス) is QuickLogic's senior vice president and chief financial officer (Nasdaq: QUIK). He brings more than 30 years of experience in semiconductors and related industries.

Elias most recently served as senior vice president and CFO at Pixelworks, Inc., where he was responsible for all G&A worldwide.

Before that, Mr. Nader worked at Sigma Designs, Inc. as the senior vice president, CFO, and corporate secretary and its interim president and CEO. Mr. Nader has also served in executive capacities at Imperial Jet and Dionex Corporation.

Mr. Nader holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting, a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics, and an MBA in International Business from San Jose State University.


elias's favorite innovator

“do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

ralph waldo Emerson (may 25, 1803 – april 27, 1882)

elias’s favorite quote