james f blom


strategy • business • partnership


Jim (ジェム) is a global corporate business development executive specialized in scaling global platform companies across EMEA, India, and the Asia Pacific.

He focused on healthcare equity, empowerment, and financial inclusion. Leveraging Conversational, Cognitive, and Contextual AI dynamically mapped and matched digital and physical supply chain businesses and their most valuable intangible assets (data, IPR, customer, experience, outcomes, brands) and integrated with near real-time and real-time-cloud, blockchain, AI, RPA & EDA (event-driven architecture) systems globally.

James has been creating SaaS revenue streams since 2010 — based on ESG, SDG, SDOH & DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) data models. And driving stunning policy changes through API First, Cloud First platforms integrated across federated ecosystems and renowned for creating two-sided marketplaces in Fintech and Health tech — leveraging hyper-local-globally interconnected personal / blockchain, graph database & consumer mesh networks..

venture impact

  • $250m+

    funding raised

  • $3b+

    M&A / exits

  • $700m+


  • 27

    seed, series A, B, C, F, IPO, and post-IPO

abbas ibn firnas

jim's favorite innovator

“we are the representatives of the cosmos; we are an example of what hydrogen atoms can do, given 15 billion years of cosmic evolution.”

carl edward sagan (november 9, 1934 – december 20, 1996)

jim’s favorite quote